If you add fields to data entities using extensions (including the staging table), you can't use $filter function in the oData API. Using a filter of e.g. /data/Customers?$filter=MyCreatedDateTime gt 2017-01-01T00:00:00Z results in an error of "An error has occurred. The type 'System.DateTimeOffset' for the query operator is not Queryable!"

Category: Development
Under Review



The following request
/data/PartyLocationPostalAddressesV2?$filter=PartyNumber eq '000002606' and LocationId eq 'ADR-66' and ValidFrom le 2019-05-22T09:03:00Z and ValidTo ge 2019-05-22T09:03:00Z
works for me.

You should use other technics to get changed data/delta
* Enable Change Tracking for Data Entity. But you should create a custom X++ service to receive changed records
* use RecVersion field instead of ModifiedDateTime. But you should create a custom X++ service to receive changed records
* Use ModifiedDateTime field. But you should create a custom X++ service to receive changed records
* Use Business Events

Category: Development


Ran into this in a production scenario while integrating with a CRM via odata.

Category: Development


This concerns the system datetime fields, i.e. CreatedDateTime and ModifiedDateTime.

Category: Development