After placing the field in a form, which date type is [Lookup], we want to add/change records.

However, in the field (data type: [Lookup]), we can only select a single record, so it cannot be implemented. If we can select multiple records in the field (data type: [Lookup]), the work becomes as simple as making records for entities and therefore it is beneficial for our clients.

Please implement the ability to select multiple records in the field which data type is [Lookup].
Thank you for your consideration.
Needs Votes


Very much need to lookup multiple choices

Category: Unified Interface

The web client is still better than UCI when it comes to the lookup dialog experience. There's also a giant feature gap of missing custom views in the client api lookupObjects method.

Category: Unified Interface

Agree. Have customer with over 2000 related records that must be added to an invoicing process monthly and it takes a long time because they have to click them 1 x 1 until all 2000 are added. Also, adding more than 100 records creates numerous errors when they hit the add button so the records need to be added in increments of 100. Naturally, they now have to deploy paper and pen to keep track of which ones they selected, so they don't accidentally select the same ones a second time. What used to take 5 minutes has become a 1-2 hour process. This cannot be fixed soon enough.

Category: Unified Interface


Category: Unified Interface


Category: Unified Interface


Category: Unified Interface

This feature already existed in the web interface and helps a lot on a daily basis.

Category: Unified Interface