Reference Bug id:https://dev.azure.com/msdyneng/FinOps/_workitems/edit/968859.

The customer has concerns about the methods "getTaxDocumentRowTrans" and "setTaxDocumentRowTrans" in the India localization class "TaxGSTRReportContractHeader_IN." While these methods are part of the India localization class, they aren't retrieving data as expected, even though data updates correctly at the UI level

Technical Analysis:

System doesn’t get any values on report following method doesn’t help to get values on report.

Class name : TaxGSTRReportContractHeader_IN

Method : ParmTaxGSTReportLines

Inside method :



   public List parmTaxGSTRReportLines(List _taxGSTRReportLines = taxGSTRReportLines)


       taxGSTRReportLines = _taxGSTRReportLines;

       return taxGSTRReportLines;



Code flow:


public TaxDocumentRowTransaction getTaxDocumentRowTrans()


       return taxDocumentRowTrans;



   public TaxDocumentRowTransaction_IN getTaxDocumentRowTransIN()


       return taxDocumentRowTransIN;




Category: Tax