"Item Ledger Entry"
Entry No.:1, Posting Date: 01/01/20, Entry Type:Purchase, Lot No.:test001, Quantity: 10
Entry No.:2, Posting Date: 02/01/20, Entry Type:Purchase, Lot No.:test002, Quantity: 10
Entry No.:3, Posting Date: 03/01/20, Entry Type:Purchase, Lot No.:test003, Quantity: 10

To ship 10 of this item by Sales Order.
Open the [Item Tracking Line] and specify the [Lot No. ]with [...].

「Lot No. List」 opens.
The default cursor position points to the bottom line.

"Lot No. list" (current specifications)
Lot No.: test001, Total quantity: 10
Lot No.: test002, Total quantity: 10
→ Lot No.: test003, Total quantity: 10

This default cursor position is a very strange specification.

Our request is to point to the top line.

"Lot No. list" (request)
→ Lot No.: test001, Total quantity: 10
Lot No.: test002, Total quantity: 10
Lot No.: test003, Total quantity: 10

We hope that you will fulfill our request.

Best Regards!
Category: Sales
Needs Votes
Ideas Administrator

Thank you for this suggestion! Currently this is not on our roadmap. We are tracking this idea and if it gathers more votes and comments we will consider it in the future. Best regards, Business Central Team