Currently, there is no feature to control "Close as won" or "Close as lost" for Opportunity entity.
However, sometimes we want only certain users to perform these close process.
If "Close as won" and "Close as lost" could be controlled by security roles etc, the range of Opportunity operations would expand and Dynamics 365 would become more convenient.
We'd also like the ability to customize the Opportunity Close form even more - it's currently the same form, whether closing as won or closing as lost. We have different requirements for both that currently live on the same form and confuse our users (even with section titles for "If Won" and "If Lost").
Category: Opportunity
We also had the same need. The Microsoft Support Team created a specific role so that we could define who has the right to close 'Close as Won' an opportunity. But this should be a native funcion of the tool.
Category: Opportunity