But this table seems not to be used in BC?! Please implement, including code in codeunit 365 - Format Address
I encountered the same problem.Therefore I added some code to our Install routine to create the necessary translation for English country names, based on https://public.opendatasoft.com/explore/dataset/countries-territories-taxonomy-mvp-ct-taxonomy-with-hxl-tags1/table/Due to the comment size limit I could not add the whole code. local procedure AddCountryRegionTranslation()
CountryRegionTranslation: Record "Country/Region Translation";
EnglishLanguageTok: Label 'ENU', Locked = true;
if not CountryRegionTranslation.IsEmpty() then
SetCountryRegionTranslation('AQ', EnglishLanguageTok, 'Antarctica');
SetCountryRegionTranslation('CO', EnglishLanguageTok, 'Colombia');
SetCountryRegionTranslation('MQ', EnglishLanguageTok, 'Martinique');
SetCountryRegionTranslation('NE', EnglishLanguageTok, 'Niger');
local procedure SetCountryRegionTranslation(CountryCode: Code[10]; LanguageCode: Code[10];
CountryName: Text[50])
CountryRegion: Record "Country/Region";
CountryRegionTranslation: Record "Country/Region Translation";
if not CountryRegion.Get(CountryCode) then
if CountryRegionTranslation.Get(CountryCode, LanguageCode) then
CountryRegionTranslation.Validate("Country/Region Code", CountryCode);
CountryRegionTranslation.Validate("Language Code", LanguageCode);
CountryRegionTranslation.Validate(Name, CountryName);
Category: Geographies and Localization
We also have some customers who need this translation functionality. It has been a while since this task was created. Is it now foreseeable when this task will be implemented or scheduled?
Category: Geographies and Localization
It doesn't look good at all when you send your sales invoices to your customer in "Emirats Arabes Unis" in French, because you're missing a translation table, which would be highly appreciated by our customers
Category: Geographies and Localization
Yes please, our customers are also asking for Country Name Translations to be able to print it in the customer's language
Category: Geographies and Localization
I also get these question a lot from my customers. Would be really great if it will be put on the roadmap
Category: Geographies and Localization
Translation of Country/Region Name is highly needed in Standard Sales Invoice because companies are dealing with multinational customers and local customers, so it just doesn't look good, when all of the invoice is in local language but Country/Region Name is in English (or vice a versa).
Category: Geographies and Localization
Business Central Team (administrator)