We have numerous vendors who have now begun adding a hyphen to their bar codes. Most of these are GS1 DataBar format i.e. (01)00882464000518(13)201123(10)1834-1.

When this bar code is scanned on the POS the hyphen is treated as a negative quantity, resulting in the product not being found and, correspondingly, not being added to the transaction.

We have reviewed this with Microsoft and they have indicated that the functionality is "working as designed". Unfortunately, this is insufficient in today's Retail world. More and more of our vendors are releasing bar codes with hyphens and it is becoming a major issue for our stores. I expect that other retailers are either already experiencing the same or will very soon. Accordingly, it seems odd that we would need to create our own customization to handle this.

If the functionality cannot be made to handle both the need to use a hyphen as a negative quantity AND recognize it properly in a bar code, then it would seem necessary to create parameters to allow a customer to determine which behavior is preferred (we never use the negative quantity functionality in the search). The parameter should be able to be set per legal entity.
Under Review
Ideas Administrator

Thank you for the idea!  We will consider this in our product backlog and update the status of your idea if/when it becomes a planned or completed feature!