When Customer creates a Main Account, customer get the Alert notification that a New Record has been created in the Action Center but when they click on the hyperlink in the Action Center they are unable to route to the Main Account which is Created.

After investigation the problem , Customer found that the SystemNotificationAction table json field(Data named) record is missing.

You see that json field has not recid and tablename values. After we fill this values with manual, we will go to correct record, success focus.
Category: User Experience
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Our customers need this fix. I agree with Hasan, I think it's a minor data problem in SystemNotificationAction.data field. RecId and TableName values are empty in json data. Like this:
{"Data": "5637415326", "MenuItemName": "VendOpenInvoicesPastDueListPage", "RecId": 0, "TableName": ""}

Category: User Experience


This issue is important for the form screens we will design.

Category: User Experience


this solution is not a complex design. there is a minor data problem in json data.

Category: User Experience