In a standard Browser (Edge, Chrome etc.) you can right-click a link in any browser, and you get the option 'open link in new tab'. Same option should be available in D365FO, you should be able to right click on a link to a form or report, and select an option 'Open form in new tab', and the form link you right click on, will open in a new tab, leaving the existing form untouched. Hereby taking advantage of an old and useful function in standard browsers.

Category: User Experience
Ideas Administrator

No current plans to implement this at this time. Note that the existing pop-out functionality provides a similar functionality.



I second this motion. We need to be able to retain the original window, while opening a details window separately. It would be very handy and productive.

Category: User Experience


Agree that Ctrl + click should be included to align with Dynamic Sales.

Category: User Experience


It would be great to have this across all the Dynamics products. It is a standard expectation of users today, and such a useful feature

Category: User Experience


It will be worth it for Microsoft to consider this feature on the BC roadmap. It is essentially mostly for accountants does multitasking.

Category: User Experience


Indeed the CTRL+Click is a very useful shortcut to open links in a new tab. Thanks!

Category: User Experience


While you are at it Ctrl+click to open in new tab would be nice too...

Category: User Experience


Having 2 Dynamics browser sessions open at once is a great boost to user productivity, especially with those that have 2 monitors. This feature will significantly help that.

Category: User Experience