

This is Dave Pinch from the product team. In Guides 8.2 (April 2023) we are relaxing the restriction from using custom URIs in the action button of a guide step. Right now (pre-8.3) you are limited to linking to http and https websites. Starting in 8.2 you can link to any custom URI scheme supported on the HoloLens including other guides, settings pages, and custom apps registered for a URI. This will make it easier to implement custom actions as described here. More information will be posted in the forum as we get closer to April.


Hi, this is Dave Pinch from the Guides product team. Thank you for your feedback. In Guides 8.3 (April 2023) we are relaxing the restriction that prevents linking a step to a custom URI scheme. This means you will be able to link to other guides, or custom apps on the device, or even panels on the HoloLens OS such as WiFi. More information will be posted on the forum as we get closer to April.


This error sometimes appears even though there was no real timeout. So it would be really helpful to know the real cause, but it seems like there is no telemetry associated with this event. So hopefully this is easier to determine in the future.


Hi,Since the ProductV2 field "EngChgProductCategoryDetailsName" returns an error when I set a value in it during creation, there is no entity that can be used to perform all standard operations (read, create and update) on Engineering Products.The Released engineering products creation entity v2 or v3 does not support Read (only Export with specified field), it can and will fail on (existing variants) Update because Read return nothing. This is only the tip of the iceberg, since it only contains few of the fields needed to set up a product correctly to use it and does not provide any control over the release process...For that we absolutely need to rely on a product template to set these fields, but cannot change them after because variants are released...Is having as much engineering product category as combination of field values the way to go?


Seems to work better i Business Central.


This would be an improvement to the product OOB


Just got this request from a customer today, who were very displeased that you could not do it.And since the code that sets the current user as a filter is inaccessible for a partner, we can't do a workaround either.Seems like this is not a huge investment to fix and will probably help a lot of customers.


Great requeriment!! It is really necessary.


Great requeriment!!! It is really necessary to have a functional option to be able to reverse the process.


Really it is effecting our operations because we always use prepayment and cosolidate 2 POs for invoicing.


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