

This is a major limitation of Customer Voice today. If a surveyor made a mistake, there is no way to edit anything other than redo the whole thing manually. This feature will be huge.


This will be a game changer


How does existing copy across legal entities functionality not meet your needs?


Because it is a contract if should not have to be approved every month. The contact should be approved.


We have customers that request been able to search on a list on the values of flowfields that fetch descriptions from other tables.


HSO are currently implementing D365 for a customer that deals largely in direct deliveries. The lack of workflow for direct deliveries is a large gap in the standard system, sales orders are modified frequently by the sales team but there is no way of notifying or seeking approval from the purchasing teams who are affected by this. Either workflow should be enabled on direct delivery purchase orders or a workflow needs to be created for sales orders to allow for better control over the modification of orders in a direct delivery chain.


We use CTP when taking orders via the phone and also our Webshop confirms the delivery date using CTP.In both scenarios our customers gets a very fast confirmation. In the UI the CTP calculation is even done in an asynchronously call due to the new grid control. This means a sales line is confirmed while we are entering the next sales line. The order takers loves this functionality. So we need the CTP to be calculated immediately after the sales line is saved. This is what we are used to and what is expected by our customers. Using the planning optimization CTP will unfortunately be a poor customer (and order taker) experience as we have to wait several minutes before the sales lines are confirmed. This has unfortunately been received as unacceptable.


In fact, I still see it as a bug rather then as an "Nice-to-have" Idea.It is OK to have the whole price list from 01/10/2022 to 30/10/2022 and special prices from 02/10/2022 to 10/10/2022.So it does not make sense to have forbidden special prices from 01/10/2022. The behavior seems inconsistent and the customer need is quite usual customer user story.The dupicity check is realy nice feature, but it should work as a recommendation.Now, you simply cannot have two such prices at one starting date (but you can at any other starting date without duplicity check).Best RegardsJakub Linhart


We have the same requirement at some of our customers. They should only use one batch of fabric per order. This idea should definitely be looked at for implementation into standard functionality.


yes please


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