

I'm facing the same issue at the moment. Couldn't find a way to set minimum and maximum values on item coverage for batch items while having the same batch selection and coverage plan by dimension enabled. Would be a highly needed function.


Hello, I tried several times but I cannot vote for this idea (and I have already voted on multiple ideas in the past years)


Allowing a deeper restriction of access in D365 is a must for our organization. Really support this topic.Legal entity restriction is not enough in our case.


Viking Cruises Portugal have several Tax and Accounting requirements that have no solutions on D365's business package, to have a customization on D365 for Portugal localization is a need with high priority.


I really hope this is implemented soon. It is a big deal for those using the planning tool, but often they aren't the ones with the ability to upvote this topic, as they aren't on the developing end... What a shame.


I think an even better idea would be to be able to select a bill-to customer at the Job Planning Line level, that way we could bill a Job Task for one or multiple customers.


How many votes are required before this goes onto the roadmap? We needed this like 5 years ago.


This is needed as creating production Orders is too time consuming to process and as the functonallity already exisit for Inventory Management, it should also work for WHS by using fixed locations or being able to create location on the Released Product item in the same way as when using Inventory Management.


This is very critical to our business functionality. Today we are working with an ISV but it's not working very well and requires quite a bit of work and upgrades and additional work. This should be added to the list of countries already available in D365


I'm not sure I can get behind doing things in order, or being able to change that order... That seems too logical.


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