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  • BOM Activation and de-activation button label change and notification message for action completion

    Activating Bill of Material Versions and De-activating them is done using the same button action. It makes it clumsy for the user to be clicking on a button labeled 'Activate' to de-activate a bill of material version. Can this label of the action button change based on the data/record selected?

    Both activation and de-activation does not produce any notification messages thus user is not clear if the action initiated is completed or not and will not be aware if he/she accidentally initiated it. Please add notification message for the above actions.

    This improvement is needed in the following forms

    Product Information Management->Bills of materials and formulas->Bill of Material->Header View->BOM Version Pane

    Product Information Management->Products->Released Products->Engineer action tab->BOM Versions/Active BOM Versions