Dynamic email content: more syntaxes (OR- and CONTAINS condition)
Currently it is not possible to use OR-Conditions or CONTAINS conditions in for dynamic content in the marketing email. OR-Conditions-Use Case: If you want to display content only to contacts from Germany, Austria, Switzerland you have to add three times the same content, for each an own if-cond...
Enhance Ability of Content Blocks to Include Images, Forms, Dividers, Styling, etc. Not Just Text
Today, I can only add simple text to a re-usable content block. There are several instances for almost all customers to have advanced content blocks that include images, forms, dividers, links, different layouts (columns/rows). The content block is very useful IF it can include the proper conte...
Content blocks now support layouts, text, buttons, and more (July 2022 release)
Please see Work with reusable content blocks (Dynamics 365 Marketing) | Microsoft Docs
Ability to include a dynamic event details in a marketing email
Right now you can include an event details in a marketing email but you still need to choose the specific event in which the field values will came from, would be better if the field values from events will be specified through a customer journey so that we can just use a generic email templat...
Real-time marketing supports this via triggers. One can pass event information or a reference to the Event table in a trigger and that information is available for use in Email for defining dynamic text and other pesonalization.
Please see Real-time marketing triggers (Dynamics 365 Marketing) | Microsoft Learn
Need to reach deeper into Customer Insights Sync data (Contact -> Account -> ...)
We are an association so much of what we want to communicate is related to a parent account, not the contact specifically. As we can only go two hops on the dynamic content it is severely restricting and renders much of the data we try and pull over via Insights Sync useless. Would be great if...
In Real-time we do support upto 6 hops along with the ability to set starting point as Account (see Personalize content using pre-defined dynamic text (Dynamics 365 Marketing) | Microsoft Learn). We do not plan to support these in Outbound.
Supporting a way to bring in data via API is on our backlog.
Product Manager, Personalization
Dynamic content that doesn't require html
Hi team, It's very frustrating that if we want to send an email to clients from different industries or markets and want to apply dynamic content to personalise the client experience based on their requirements that we have to insert blocks of html code before and after the blocks we want to be...
"Conditional content" w/o needing HTML coding that allows multiple OR conditions is released as of Sep'2022 release. In a future release we will support more operators.
Please continue to proviude feedback so we can improve the feature further.
How to use conditional content (Dynamics 365 Marketing) | Microsoft Learn
PM, Dynamics 365 Marketing
Custom attributes and relationships on content settings
+ Created a Content setting with Development entities have relationship as N:1 + Using above content settings trying to add in dynamic content settings. + While click on preview facing below Errors : Unsupported Relationship property and Unable to retrieve the data because unexpected values is ...
Real-time marketing now supports Brand profile that replaces Content settings. Brand profiles can be extended with custom fields and are available for perosnalization.
Dynamic email template - with Events fields
It would be nice if there will be a feature wherein we can create an email template that would contain dynamic Event entity fields. So that we can just create one template that will be used to different events and it will still capture the event name and event details. Thanks!
This is now supported in Real-time marketing. For a triggered journey, trigger can include a reference to the desired Event that is accessible in the email. For a segment journey, the template can use specific record access (see Personalize content using pre-defined dynamic text (Dynamics 365 Marketing) | Microsoft Learn)
Dynamics 365 Marketing
With Marketing Real Time, allow the usage of optionset in Email
In Marketing Real Time, option set are not available in Email as dynamic content in contrary of Marketing Outband.
We would like to use information as dynamic content in email even if those content are stored in option set.
This is available as of Dec 2023 release of Real-time journeys.
Freely put both dynamic date and time value on Dynamics 365 Marketing Email
On Dynamics 365 Marketing, both data only field and date and time field cannot be properly populated at the same email as dynamic value after designating date format.
It would be either date and time or date only.
Also, it is difficult for users to put dynamic time information with...
This is now available in the Dec 22 release for Real-time marketing. Thank you for your suggestion and votes.
Please see Personalize content using pre-defined dynamic text (Dynamics 365 Marketing) | Microsoft Learn
Extend Dynamic Email Content: apply conditions to content settings
Since the dynamic email content si quite limited (you cannot expose content from elements in your customer journey). We generate a content setting for every customer journey. -> this allows us to dynamically display event information in the emails. -> our content settings contain multiple fields ...
“In Real-time, Brand profiles replace content settings. Brand profile attributes are available for personalization including conditions”
Thank you for your feedback!
"Conditional content" w/o needing HTML coding that allows multiple OR conditions is released as of Sep'2022 release. In a future release we will support more operators.
Please continue to proviude feedback so we can improve the feature further.
How to use conditional content (Dynamics 365 Marketing) | Microsoft Learn
PM, Dynamics 365 Marketing