Allow more than one email to be setup on the customer/vendor card.
Category: Sales
Under Review
Ideas Administrator

Hi Kristen, 

Thanks for the suggestion on more than one email. May I ask why you would need more than one email and is it for the actual contact on the customer/vendor card? 

thank you

Jodi Christiansen
PM, Microsoft



Using the button DocumentLayouts on the customer card you can assign different email addresses per document, one for statements, another for invoices etc. In addition on the order you can select contact and it will get send to the email of the contact.

Category: Sales


as a work around we were able to add a ; between emails in the email field. As long as you don't run into the character cap.

Category: Sales


For many customers and vendors we have a list of email recipients depending on document type. This would help a lot and save a lot of time and frustration.

So for each document type per customer/vendor you must be able to setup a list recipients (or use default).

Category: Sales


Add-ons fills this common gab of having different recipients.
There is a need.

Category: Sales


I think the easiest and best solution is that: Documents types (like shippig advice, invoice, order confirmation) and "job responsibility" on the contact cards must be linked. this can be defined on customer and shipping adress level. also users must be able to change default contact no for specific document on order level,.

using email adresses (single or multiple) on customer/vendor cards or document layout screen is totally unusable.

Category: Sales


This is al little bit difficult.
You may use contacts, but this is half the truth, because the contact who placed the order is often not the one who gets the invoices or warehouse documents. There is also a gap if goods are shipped to different locations.

So the contact who ordered may not see the invoice (depends on company if central accounting gets invoice first or the location where the good arrived). It's als the same on Warehouse documents.

So we would need several e-mails per company (base, accounting, warehouse) by function and also the same in the ship-to adresses, and in also in all document- tables.

The same is also needed in Vendor, "Order- Address" and purchasing documents.

Category: Sales


We just ran into this today, we need to be able to setup a email for sales order confirmations and a different email for shipment notifications and a different one for sales invoices. Also it does not appear if a primary contact is set it will use the contact email vs the customer email, or if you change a contact on a sales order the contact email should be the email when you chose to send a document.

Category: Sales


Each customer can be linked to contact of type Company, and this company contact can be linked to multiple contacts of type Person. So you already have all needed relations and fields for you purpose, just need to use it.

Category: Sales


This is an absolute must: customers want to receive quotes in purchaser roles, packing lists in warehouse and invoices in accounts.
However, for normalization reasons, I'd like to see it related to contacts and their roles, rather than just multiple email fields in the customer table.

Category: Sales