Whenever you create a word template from a record, you cannot set the order in which recurring items need to be displayed. Let say for example when you create a word template from an invoice and you have product bundles. The products inside the bundle are not shown under te parent product of that bundle but are randomly shown in the table. This is very confusing because products are now randomly ordered in the list and you can't see how prices are build up of a bundle product.
Needs Votes



Word templates I think in general need a bit of revisiting. Alot of the infrastructure behind it seems like something that hasn't been touched and improved on in a while. Microsoft, I feel is just content with making people do it the old manual way or go buy a 3rd party solution that makes it easier to do. (Which there are plenty of them out there thankfully). At the very least I wish Microsoft would fix Word Templates, so you can query the latest fields and not have to manually rebuild the whole word doc every time a new field added in the system.

Category: Collaboration including Teams and Office 365 Integration