In most European countries ECO participation is requested. This is a contribution to help recycling.

This is a trend all over European countries.


Eco participation is mostly based on unit and should be printed on invoice.


  • Eco participation is based on unit

  • the rate can be based on 3 digits even rounded to 2 digits on invoice

  • VAT total will be calculated on total invoice lines included Eco participation.


There is no full solution in the system. But so far workaround will be to adapt Charge for sales order.


Some example.

  • BEBAT (tax on battery)

  • Plastic

  • Carbon




The eco-participation is a fixed amount to be paid in full by the marketers. No discount is allowed on it. Microsoft should extract the eco-tax from the price including VAT before calculating the cash discount and then add it to the discounted price. This is a bug Microsoft needs to fix.

Category: Globalization - Regulatory features


The amount of the eco participation varies depending on the product and the type of treatment it requires. In France, it is added to the item's sales price including VAT. VAT is then applied to the amount of the eco participation as it is considered as a service. However, the eco participation must be excluded from the calculation of any discount given to the customer. 

Category: Globalization - Regulatory features


It is a legal requirement in many countries now so Microsoft should provide a solution.

Category: Globalization - Regulatory features


Mandatory for retail solution in case of B2B or B2C customers. Eco Participation should be one of must have in a short future.

Category: Globalization - Regulatory features


This is a global requirement the Eco Tax on plastic and the standard solution is not optimal.

Category: Globalization - Regulatory features


Very important European tax in relation with ecology and environment

Category: Globalization - Regulatory features